M. A. D. E. Evolve and Emerge


Happy New Year friends and family! Carla and I invite you to join us for New Year’s Eve @triSistah412LIVE on Facebook at 6PM.

At the beginning of 2017, we introduced a new theme for this year based on the scripture in the book of Mark, when Jesus asked the man at the “Pool of Bethesda”,  if he wanted to be made well. We created an acronym from the word made to use as our annual theme.

When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” John 5:6 NKJV. 

Manifest|Activate| Discern |Emerge |Evolve

The question was pondered by Carla and I because we see so many people in the same situation year after year, just like the man at the pool. Not living on purpose. Looking for handouts, instead of hand-ups. And like the man at the pool, using excuses about the obstacles they face for not realizing their best life and being M. A. D. E. by the Master. So much untapped potential and untapped power.

We’ve written about the first 3 words: manifest, activate, and discern in previous posts. You can click the words above and review those posts. We hope that you enjoyed the previous posts and find the totality of this theme useful in propelling you FORWARD.

Today, I want to close out the theme with the 2 words that represent the “e”, in the acronym M.A.D.E . Evolve and Emerge. Our prayer for you this year is that you have evolved (developed gradually, matured, with progress) and that you have emerged (move out of or away from something and come into view; become apparent, important, or prominent. If you haven’t, take a look back over your life, talk with God and see what went array.


Coat of Many Colors ~ Joseph

God has so much in store for us in this life and the next. Sadly, many of us leave most of our blessings and possibilities for a successful and meaningful life on the table. Never to be realized, only to be dreamed about and shared with others. What if Joseph only dreamed his dream and only shared it with his brothers? An entire nation would have been lost without Joseph’s suffering, sacrifice, favor, and ultimately his success.

Do you think that there are people waiting for you to get your life together so that you can bless them as God has ordained? Do you care that God has a calling on your life to help others heal and grow? Do you care that they are waiting?

We don’t know God’s plan for the man getting healed at the pool, because we don’t see how he blessed and helped others after he got up from his mat. What we do know is that others who witnessed him pick up his mat and walk after 38 years witnessed healing and hope. Hope that they too could be made well. Hallelujah!


People are watching you emerge as a beautiful butterfly, watching you mature spiritually and progress in your dreams and goals and you are offering them hope. People are watching and hearing about the sadness and disappointment that you have overcome. They are witnesses to you moving from obscurity to importance and prominence by remaining faithful to God’s plan and not making excuses. The work that you are doing in your life through the power of the Holy Spirit inspires and empowers them to hope again, to dream again, and to do something great for the Kingdom of God.

They see possibility in you. They see purpose in you! They see power and favor in you and they want it too!

So, no more sitting on the sidelines year after year asking why you can’t get started, why haven’t you gained any traction for a particular goal or plan, or why can’t you stay on the road to life and blessings.

evolve-logoYou have evolved. You are not the same person you were 361 days ago. You have evolved and the world is watching! Better than that, God is watching. He is so proud!

My prayer for 2018 is that you continue on your M.A.D.E. journey and manifest everything that God has in store for you and the others he has appointed and anointed to walk, ride, and support you over the next 12 months. My prayer is that you will run full-throated and unashamed into 2018 without any fear or anxiety about your progress, success, or future. The Bible says, the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). Truth is…we can’t lose!

Look out 2018, here we come!






Dr. Aqua



A Backwards Glance

There are times when I get lost in frustration and the only thing I can think to do is take a step back and look at how far God has brought me. This morning, I decided to journey backwards in my prayer journal and I came across this entry from November 2011. Allow me to grant you a peek into my life…

Image“…Lord, I am so grateful for the changes you are making in me and Jaden [my son, then 6-years-old] and our relationship. We have been two opposing forces for as long as I can remember. I would lash out at him in frustration, desperation, anger. I would scream and say unpleasant things to him, trying to force him to behave in a certain manner. All futile actions leading to fear, anger, dislike, tears, screams, and hurt in both directions. Yesterday, we took a positive step and I cant thank you enough.

After a day of frustration, repeating instructions, rough talking and hurt feelings, it was time to go to bed. My little Jaden burst into tears saying, “I had a hard day!” I can imagine the old me telling him to stop crying and go to sleep, being too tired or caught up in my own actions, to-do list or emotions to deal appropriately with the situation. But last night was different. I believe I’m learning to pray without ceasing – my heart is open to you and I’m listening.

Last night, upon hearing my baby’s tear-filled declaration, I asked him to climb down from his perch on the top bunk. I removed myself from Nikko’s bottom bunk [my then 3-year-old son] and sat on the floor, readying my lap for my boy. He found his spot and we held on to each other as I spoke the sweet and comforting words you gave me just for him. I let him know that hard days are something that we all have and how I’d had some this very week, but that it was alright because that’s why we have family – to help us through our hard days. We can talk about what’s bothering us and work together to make it better. I told him he was a great guy and that I love him so much. Then I prayed for him, asking you to give him peace, comfort and joy, allowing him to have sweet rest through the night.

As the prayer came to a close, his sobs subsided and we could sense the change in the room. Saja [my daughter, then 8-years old] spoke up and said, “Mama, your making MY eyes water up!” And I must admit, I was a bit watery, myself! During this time, Nikko was in his bed, interjecting sweet 3-year-old sentiments and Zion [1-year-old] was laying in Nikko’s bed quietly. It was a sweet, powerful moment with my babies and our God.

Thank you for showing yourself to my treasures in a way that they can feel and understand. You are an awesome God and I am so honored to be able to come boldly to your throne and speak to you as my father. Help me to lead my family to you in everything I do, with all that I am. I love you, Lord. Be magnified in my life, God. These things I pray in Jesus’ precious name…Amen.”

My prayer is that my little journey down memory lane reminds you, when you’re lost in a sea of frustration, the best thing to do is to run to the father, cast your cares upon him and feel his peace wash over you. He did it for me and my Tribe back then, he’ll do it for us again, and I know he’ll do it for you, too.

Live in Love,


My Heart Longs for You

t1larg.working.mom.tsOne of the things that I have noticed, as the Mama of 4 munchkins is that no matter where I am or what I’m doing, my kids come and find me. They can be deeply engrossed in a game of tag, or pretending to be the Super Mario Brothers, but somehow, their play area seems to gravitate towards me. They may not pay attention to me or even speak to me in the middle of their game, but they ALWAYS find their way to me.

I must admit, this fact amuses (and sometimes annoys) me. When my focus is on myself – on how I just need a bit of peace and quiet, or time to concentrate – I can get frustrated. But when I step back and look at the situation through the eyes of my babies I realize that they just long to be near me. They search for me, even though they may not realize it.

This morning, I took a mental step back from the noise and the tiny feet running circles around me and heard that still small voice say, “search for Me, like they search for you.” God spoke to my heart and reminded me that I need to be more like my children. No matter what I am doing, no matter how busy I am, no matter what is going on in my life at the moment, I need to gravitate towards my Father. I need to long to be in His presence. Even if I’m not “in prayer” at the moment, or in a physical church service, my heart should long to be near Him.

“…and a little child shall lead them.”

Take a note from my munchkins today and let your heart long to be near your Heavenly Father. There is safety, peace and comfort in his presence.

“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before Him?” ~Psalm 42:1-2

Live in Love,

As We Journey to Authenticity…

…remember that we were created to serve. Jesus is our model for servant-hood. How and who will you serve in the next 40 days?
This is the kind of fast day I’m after:
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed,
cancel debts.
What I’m interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.
Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, God will answer.
You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’

Isaiah 58:6-9